It’s Time to Empower Boys Too
I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Marvin say this on Anthony O’Neal’s The Table last year.
It stuck with me!
This thought may explain some of what I am seeing clinically— nihilist young men.
And I can’t help but think it has to do with our society’s focus of empowering girls.
Now, don’t get it twisted! I saw the need, but we can no longer deny that our boys now need to be empowered too.
👦Boys are earning college degrees at a lower rate compared to girls.
👦Boys are more likely to use alcohol and drugs, engage in delinquent behaviors, and be imprisoned.
👦Boys report feeling purposelessness.
👦Boys are significantly more likely to commit suicide than girls.
How do we empower boys?
✅Respect who they are and cultivate their strengths. If they want to roughhouse, roughhouse, and register them for wrestling! If they want to dance, dance and register them for ballet!
✅Develop expectations and enforce those expectations. Think chores! The earlier the better!
✅Limit the time they play video games.
✅Encourage them to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Have them do challenging things (i.e., reading, talking to others, waiting their turn).
✅Talk about purpose and goals.